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05.-07.12.2018: Reunión Inicial Vienna/AUT

18.-20.02.2019: Formación C1 Vienna/AUT

03.-04.06.2019: 2nd Reunión Berlin/GER

05.-07.06.2019: Formación C2 Berlin/GER

09.-10.09.2019: 3rd Reunión Bologna/IT

11.-13.09.2019: Formación C3 Ferrara/IT

05.-06.10.2020: 4th Partnermeeting (online)

07.-09.10.2020: Training C4 (online)

The overall aim of the training activity in Greece, which is planned to take place during October in Larissa, has the aim of sharing good practices of the application of work based learning procedures and also the provision of the detailed learning path, that students follow during their vocational training (how are the courses structured, how they combine theoretical experiences with hands-on-experiences, how the evaluation of this procedure is taking place etc.). Moreover, during the days of the training activity, the attendants, will have the chance to explore the main field of occupation in the region of Thessaly, which is the agricultural domain. Last but not least, students, will share with the attendants, their personal experiences regarding the system of apprenticenship and the methods used during the implementation.

Partner meeting in Vienna

Nuestra última reunión de socios tuvo lugar en Viena a principios de septiembre. Nos pusimos al día y pensamos en cómo podíamos difundir aún más los resultados y las experiencias del proyecto. El proyecto está llegando a su fin. Como siempre, fue muy divertido.


Partner meeting in Vienna

Partner meeting in Berlin

Partner meeting in Bologna