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The ÖIBF ( is a non-university research institute. ÖIBF’s mission is to carry out high-quality research and development in order to support and promote activities and policies concerning vocational education and training (VET). In its work it focuses particularly on innovation in education and the interrelation of education and the labour market. ÖIBF is active both on national and international level and delivers services for various organizations in Austria and Europe. ÖIBF’s services are considered as contribution to the solution of complex scientific problems with education multidisciplinary approaches, in the form of basic research and applied research and development. Its work is fully based on project-related funding which ensures its independence.


The Westdeutscher Handwerkskammertag (WHKT – West German Chambers of Crafts and Skilled Trades’ Council; with registered offices in Düsseldorf is the regional council representing and joining together the seven Chambers of Crafts and Skilled Trades in NorthRhine Westphalia. The specialist topics prioritised by the WHKT include craft and trade & industry law, organisational matters and vocational training and schools’ policy. In addition, the WHKT deals with economic observations and statistics, expert consultants, planning and environmental matters, Europe, multimedia, design and programming, and PR work.


CENTOFORM ( is a Vocational Training Centre recognized by Emilia Romagna Region, Italy, a region characterised by a strong dynamic economy and an important research tradition. Centroform delivers qualified services in the following sectors: human resources development; vocational training for employees, unemployed, senior and young managers; professional lifelong learning and updating; courses for the enhancement of SMEs and of their human resources’ professional competences; ICT; business consulting; management consulting. 


CIPFP VALLE DE ELDA ( is a Public Vocational Training School which provides studies in 5 different fields: Commerce and marketing, hostelry and tourism,food industries, security and environment and socioculturals and care services. We are located in Elda, a city near Alicante. Our school has 850 pupils and 90 teachers. We are carrying out Erasmus projects since 2007.

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development

The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) ( is a research organization committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancement of the entrepreneurial spirit. By recognizing entrepreneurship as a crucial factor for the development and cohesion of societies, we develop research and are in a position to provide innovative solutions that facilitate the growth of healthy entrepreneurship and promote employment. In order to achieve our goal, we adopt an anthropocentric approach and cooperate with social, academic and business partners from all over the world, aiming at producing and transferring know how, promoting entrepreneurial culture and enhancing the effectiveness and viability of enterprises.


K.o.s GmbH ( advises and supports companies and organizations with strategy, implementation and evaluation of models regarding quality assurance and development and accompanies the operational application and development of qualifications. K.o.s commands experiences for many years and a versatile know-how e.g. in the shape of consulting, workshops, seminars, audits, reviews, studies, evaluation and the development of conceptions as well as product design. For public and private employers, k.o.s develops and realizes projects and products in the work section apprenticeship, continuing education and consulting regarding qualifications. In the section of apprenticeship, the organization accompanies and supports the introduction of qualification development regarding the operational apprenticeship as well as a systematic plan and implementation of an apprenticeship at a company. The companionship comprises offers for qualification for the personnel.

Association of Thessalian Industries & Enterprises

The Association of Thessalian Industries & Enterprises (STHEV) is the heart of the economic activity and business world in Thessaly and it also represents an established social partner, who resolutely contributes to the creation of favorable conditions which are in favor of business activities and of all economic development in general. The work of the Association is composed of diverse activities including the monitoring, study, research and promotion of issues of entrepreneurship, the culture of solidarity between firms, cooperation with public authorities and unions to strengthen social dialogue, participation in national and international committees, councils, conferences, exhibitions and events for dealing with economic goals, and develop initiatives designed to promote and contribute to the overall interests of national economy.

Proyecta Innovación 

Proyecta Innovación ( is a Spanish company, located in the Valencian Community, a region characterized by the presence of companies from traditional sectors (toys, food, textiles, footwear ...). Proyecta Innovación specializes in supporting small and medium enterprises and provides services related to innovation management, public funds management for R & D projects and the implementation of continuous improvement.

Jugend am Werk

Jugend am Werk Bildungs:Raum GmbH is a branch of the organization Jugend am Werk ( and specialized in vocational training. Most of our services are financed by the Public Employment Service and we see our area of expertise in meeting the vocational and social needs of young people in Austria. Youth, wo could not find an apprenticeship in a company, are trained in a wide selection of different jobs. At the same time we are able to promote social competencies and support these youths on the road to “jobreadyness”. As well as giving job training we are also able to focus on integrating youth into the job market as apprentices during the training. This rounds of the holistic approach we have to training.